Available Mixed Media Assemblage
Available 3D Mixed Media Assemblage
- El Viaje Del Pueblo Encantado The Voyage Of The Enchanted Pueblo – #D mix3D media assemblage – 46″ x 40″ x 12″ by Armando Adrian-Lopez
- Morfeo – Morpheus – 3D mixed media assemblage – H22″ x W16″ x D10″. Completed in 2017 by Armando Adrian-López, A Mexican Magical Realist painter and sculptor who lives and works in Abiquiu, NM
- Querubin Cherub 3D mixed media assemblage – H28” x W29” x D17″ – Materials are;Wire, Corn Husk, Applewood branches, Freshwater Pearls, 18k gold beads, Agave Leaves, 22k gold leaf. Completed in 2017 by Mexican Magical Realist artist, Armando Adrian-López who lives and works in Abiquiu, NM
- Un Sueno De Tantos – One Dream of Many – 16″ x 40″ x 7″ – 3D Mixed Media Assemblage by Indigenous, self taught Contemporary Mexican Tarascan artist who draws from and is inspired by the Mexican and Latin American Magical Realist artists and writers. completed 2023 at Abiquiu, NM
- Querubin – Cherub – 3D mixed media assemblage – 28″ x 29″ x 17″ – by Armando Adrian-Lopez
My Grandfather was a basket maker. I too am a basket maker. I infuse my baskets with being; taken from a tale, myth, apparition, mystical encounter, or dream. They grow wings, rays, & faces. Beings & creatures use my hands & form shape in their space with the matter. From my hands they stream out from their/my interior home, they are their own parents & they rush out of the cornucopia, happy to be born
Armando Adrian-López creates all his 3D Mixed Media assemblage pieces by starting with a complex wire armature upon which he then wraps, weaves, and glues layer upon layer of damp corn husks, dried grasses, and/or dried twigs to build the body of the piece. Using natural mineral pigment mixed with water, he then paints the facial features on the head which is fashioned of volcanic ash clay over a wire armature. I use the same clay to sculpt the arms, hands, legs, and feet. The hair, clothing, and other elements are made of various natural or found materials. The entire piece is then painted with a varnish that I make from Piñon pitch and grain alcohol. Precious and semi-precious stones, such as freshwater pearls, rubies, emeralds, and turquoise may be added along with 23k gold leaf as the final step after the piece has dried.
Contact us for pricing and other information.