Art by Armando Adrian-Lopez

Influences of the Old Masters and the Contemporary Mexican Masters can be seen in the art by Armando Adrian-Lopez.These influences are  present in his paintings and his 3-D mixed media assemblages. The Magical Realism Latin American style permeates his work These works you see here are available for purchase. Contact Armando for the purchase details.

In the Artist’s Words

I paint on a foundation laid down by the Old Masters.  My style and inspiration is drawn from the European Old Masters and the more contemporary Mexican and Latin American Magical Realist painters and writers.  Though I have never taken an art class I have watched  many Youtube videos and  artist documentaries

My subject matter ranges from the angelic through the mundane and sometimes shamanistic. Much of his imagery stems from his interpretation of the native Mexican world  view along with the New and Old Testament filtered though my rural Mexican Catholic culture and my family traditions.

No one bequeathed or taught my dreams to me; the muse of my inspiration comes every night, and like Prometheus, each day I am disarmed arming my dreams.

With my Paintings, I find that I can communicate my artistic visions and inner life in a detailed, colorful, and multi-leveled format.

Using layers of underpainting and glazing, I build up the paint so that the viewer is drawn into the depths of the canvas. I apply paint as underpainting, then as many many opaque layers on top of that. Many transparent glazes [are] added onto that. This is very time consuming and gives the paintings an inner glow, which, in my opinion, helps to communicate the inner world to the viewer."

Contact Armando for details on pricing and shipping.